Tony filming at Bethesda Pool–Jerusalem
Tony Moore’s Background
Since his “Damascus Road” like conversion at a Rolling Stones concert, Tony has been a deep and serious student of Scripture. He has served as a Bible teacher, church planter, pastor, metro ministry director, senior pastor of a large multi-staff church, and Evangelism Ministries Director of It Is Written television.
In 1985, a class on Biblical archaeology stirred Tony’s imagination about the geography of the Bible lands into a passion. Soon he was researching the cultural and historical setting of the Biblical world and the following year made his first journey to the Bible lands of Israel, Jordan and Egypt. This seven-week trip opened windows into the intriguing world of the past, shedding light on the texture and color of the Biblical story.
As the years passed, Tony returned to this part of the world again and again, often traveling solo with his Bible, backpack and camera. As he explored the places mentioned in Scripture, his mind began to construct a visual image of the Biblical world, leading to his unique teaching style. Today the “land” is like on an old friend that Tony enjoys sharing with others through his video series, teaching events, and Biblical World teaching tours.
The Biblical World is a non-profit ministry dedicated to uplifting Jesus as the Messiah by bringing the pages of Scripture to life. It was founded in 2003 by Tony Moore, an ordained minister who became a committed follower of Jesus in 1972. Tony’s unique teaching style focuses the spotlight of the historical and cultural background of the Bible upon the text, bringing the Scriptures to life.
The Biblical World was created to develop fresh and innovative programs for sharing the Good News of Jesus and the Blessed Hope of His soon return. It’s mission is to produce new and compelling media that communicates the faith of Jesus to contemporary western-thinking people.
Tony looking into Herod’s Family Tomb–Jerusalem
Fascinating Programs
In the 1990s Tony developed a multimedia lecture series based on Biblical archaeology that included programs on Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem, the world of Jesus, Patmos, and Iraq. This popular series was shared throughout the United States to enthusiastic audiences. While leading a group of pastors in the Footsteps of Paul through Greece, Turkey, and Syria in the year 2000, Tony’s youth pastor suggested that he should make movies of these programs versus just using slides. Tony thought, “this is why I am the senior pastor and you are the youth pastor. We don’t have a budget to make movies.” When they returned home Danny Chan made a two-minute demo with maps, airplanes, and Indiana Jones music in the background. “And there I was teaching in Tarsus” Tony recalls. “I thought, we can make movies of this!”
In 2001 he began filming twenty 30-minute episodes on the life of the Apostle Paul. Their small film crew would spend 8 weeks on location in six countries shooting material for the series over a two year period. As Tony saw professional people who were not attending church respond positively to the early version of this series, he realized he had tapped into a deep sense of curiosity and interest that could be used evangelistically to share Jesus. Then he field-tested it among young adults and they were intrigued by the material.
Tony’s passionate desire to communicate the Blessed Hope to this audience led him to found The Biblical World in 2004. This has permitted him to focus his full creative energy in producing creative video series with the companion study guides that are enjoyed around the world in homes, schools, churches, and on television in several languages. In the Footsteps of Paul and Tracing the Footsteps of Jesus are incredible resources for personal spiritual growth and discipleship. Follow this link to discover how you can use this series as a small group or public seminar.
The Grand Narrative, an epic seven-volume, 49 episode series tracing the theme of the Great Controversy from the development of civilization on the plain of Sumer (Shinar) to the early church. The World of the Patriarchs, the first volume in this series is available on DVD and digital streaming. The World of the Exodus will be released early 2022.
The pilot episode for Mysteries of the Fifth Gospel, five-part series targeting a less religious audience on commercial television has been produced. We are seeking opportunity to release this on television. Please explore the link in this paragraph for more information.
The Biblical World Values
Vision—to develop fresh and innovative approaches to evangelism that uplift Jesus as the Messiah by bringing the pages of Scripture to life!
Mission—to produce media that communicates the gospel to western-thinking people by capturing their imaginations and appealing to their hearts through Biblical stories.
Purpose—to produce creative evangelistic media that can be used by broadcast and satellite networks worldwide and by churches and individuals locally.