Seven episodes exploring the world of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their families in Turkey, Jordan, Israel, the West Bank, and Egypt where their stories took place.
These beautiful locations help bring the Biblical drama to life, as you wrestle with Abram and his decision to leave the wealthiest city in the world to become a nomadic shepherd in the land of Canaan; empathize with the choices he and Sarah made in dealing with their childlessness and explore the results of those decisions.
You will be amazed at the low points of their faith and trust in God, yet encouraged by their mountaintop victories. You will witness grace triumph over family infighting and dysfunction and be blessed as you see how God accomplished His purposes through their family line. These incredible ancient stories will come to life on the screen and in your study guide. As you become immersed in them, you will marvel at God’s grace, faithfulness, and love for His children.
Available in High Definition Blu-ray DVD or Digital Streaming Online by Membership.
This episode examines the dawn of civilization in the flood-plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern Iraq, known in history as Sumer, where the wheel and writing were invented. This dovetails perfectly with how the Bible describes the ark of Noah coming to rest in the mountains of Ararat and how “as people moved eastward they found a plain in Shinar and settled there” (Genesis 11:2). Isn’t it amazing how the Bible and history agree that civilization developed here, where Abraham was born? The series traces his journey to Harran, where his father Terah died and then follows his amazing odyssey to the land of promise. This volume concludes with Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt.
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This beautiful 72-page companion study book is filled with photographs of locations seen in the video, detailed maps, and rich illustrations from some of the greatest artists of the ages. Each episode is reviewed in a fill-in-the-blank style and include Application Questions for applying these spiritual stories to our life in the 21st century. Exploring the Word leads you into Scripture to discover more about the episode. Exploring the Episode takes you beyond the video, exploring background information about the episode while building on the material presented.
While the lovely book is designed to be written in, it is something you will cherish and will want to keep close by to share with your friends and guests. This resource makes The Grand Narrative an excellent choice for Small Groups, Community Bible classes, Christian and Home School curriculum, family and personal devotions, as well as prayer meeting, and corporate worship.
Click here or on the study guide to view the first episode.
Digital Study Guide compliments Study Book.
After viewing the video episode you have the option to go into the digital study guide that mirrors the printed study guide. This makes the series easy to use in small groups, classroom settings, and public meetings. Use the arrows on the image to the right to explore an example of how this feature works. Available on Blu-ray DVD or Online streaming through Membership.