The Biblical World …
was founded to develop fresh, innovative programs to share the Good News of Jesus and the Blessed Hope of His soon return. It’s mission is to “Creatively use media to uplift Jesus as the Messiah, by bringing to life the historical and cultural world of the Bible.”
Your tax-deductible gifts made it possible for us to produce “In The Footsteps of Paul” and “Tracing the Footsteps of Jesus” which broke new ground with their on-location teaching style. Both series continue to bless people around the world via television and the internet. When used in combination with the printed study guides, they are powerful tools for small group and public evangelism.
Centurion Supporters
Your support will enable us to continue producing innovative evangelistic materials designed to capture the interest and communicate the Good News of Jesus as the Christ to people living in your community.
Remember, every gift is important! No gift is too small or too large. With your prayer and financial support, we can complete and release these new series so our Lord can use them to bless and change lives around the world.
Episode Underwriting
Or think of the tribute of underwriting an episode in memory of a loved one. A simple line could appear in the credits: “This Episode Underwritten by _________ In Memory Of _________.”
Think of the lasting impact your gift will have as that episode blesses people around the world in teaching seminars, small groups, churches, television and the internet. And of course your $20,000 gift is tax-deductible!
Gifts of All Sizes
No gift is too small or too large, and each is deeply appreciated and needed to fulfill the mission and ministry of this ministry. Your financial and spiritual support of this ministry is critical. Together we can make a difference and impact our world for our Lord Jesus, the Messiah.
Your support is crucial as we complete “Mysteries of the Fifth Gospel,” a powerful new series on the life of Jesus targeting commercial television and launch a new 36-episode series, “The Grand Narrative,” for evangelism.
University and College Requests
When the Academic Vice-President from a Spanish speaking University purchased the Jesus series, he told me how much our Seminaries and Colleges need this resource, even though it is in English.
So we have launched an initiative to place the Jesus and Paul series in 106 colleges and universities around the world. With international shipping, this costs $665 per set. A donor has provided a grant to subsidize each set by $165! So you can have a set delivered to a college for $500!
Will you underwrite a set or sets today?
You can have the set sent to the college of your choice by sending an email.